We 're Asking              

We 're Helping

Urogynaecology Clinic provides consultation and comprehensive evaluation and diagnostic testing for women with complex pelvic floor disorders. Our practice offers the most thorough, up-to-date and accurate evaluation and the latest least invasive surgical approach for such conditions.

We provide complete one stop care to patients, helping them avoid too many visits to other specialist for treatments. Our constant effort is to promote and develop innovative applications to ensure highest quality care. At the same time we aim to excel in the field of education and training to develop the next generation of urogynaecologists.



Urinary incontinence

• Stress urinary incontinence
• Urge urinary incontinence
• Over-active bladder

Pelvic organ prolapse

• Uterine prolapse
• Anterior vaginal wall prolapse (cystocele/bladder prolapse)
• Apical vaginal prolapse (enterocele/vaginal vault prolapse)
• Posterior wall prolapse (rectocele)


• Vesicovaginal (bladder/vagina)
• Vesicouterine (bladder/uterus)
• Vesicocutaneous (bladder/abdominal wall)
• Rectovaginal (rectum/vagina)
• Urethral reconstruction (fistula/diverticulum)

Congenital anomalies

• Vaginal agenesis
• Imperforate hymen
• Vaginal septum

Vaginal & Vulval malformation

• Labial hypertrophy
• Post delivery / post surgical perineal scarring


• Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome)
• Chronic pelvic pain
• Female sexual dysfunction etc.





Conservative treatments  

• Pelvic floor re-education
• Biofeedback
• Urge suppression drill
• Relaxation techniques
• Pessary for prolapse etc. 

Diagnostic testings

• Complex urodynamic testing
• Cystourethroscopy
• Perineal / Translabial sonography
• Dynamic MRI pelvis 

Medical treatment for 

• Overactive bladder syndrome
• Stress urinary incontinence
• Interstitial cystitis etc.

Surgical treatments

• Vaginal reconstructive surgeries

(eg. Simple fascial repairs, Mesh augmented repairs, Sacrospinous ligament fixation, Low fistula repairs)

• Abdominal or Minimally invasive


 (Robotic/Laparoscopic) reconstructive surgeries eg. Sacrocolpopexy, High fistula repairs)

• Midurethral / Pubovaginal slings
• Fascial grafts
• Sacral nerve stimulation
• Steroid / Botulinum toxin injection
• Hysterectomies

Midurethral sling.pdf
Patient Information Leaflet

Urodynamics Machine